Solver Requirements

Execution Environment

  • The evaluations will be run on Linux machines with up to 8 GB memory made available.
  • We request that solvers be submitted as Docker images that containerize executables using only a single core (i.e., no parallel processes/threads).
  • Each submission will be evaluated using Singularity with restrictied computing resource per image as described in the Tasks descriptions.

Containerizing Solvers in Docker

We will be accepting submissions as Docker images. Participants have two options:

  1. (PREFERRED) Create a Docker project and upload its image to Dockerhub.
  2. Directly submit a Docker project (as opposed to the already built image) with all necessary local files to build an image

How to Containerize Solvers in Docker

Each image should be equipped with an executable and a folder to mount the host directory during evaluation. While running the image, the names of the files will be passed as environment variables (see section below on Environment Variables) so the image can execute bash commands with them.

Environment Variables for limiting time and memory

We encourage teams to each limit their own solvers’ time and memory usage to prevent premature termination process termination. We will use environment variables to pass memory and time limits as follows

  • TIMESEC is the time limit in seconds.
  • MEMKB is the memory limit in KB.
    • we will be passing a MEMKB value of 8000000

Important Note: after time or memory limits are exceded, the program will be forceably terminated which can result in premature outputs that result in invalid results

Environment Variables for reading/writing

We will use environment variables to pass the path of the input and output files and followings are the example of values for these environment variables

  • MODEL: /code/problems/pedigree-1.uai
  • EVID: /code/problems/pedigree-1.uai.evid
  • QUERY: /code/problems/pedigree-1.uai.query
  • RESULT: /code/problems/pedigree-1.uai.MMAP
  • QUERY filename is only relevant to the marginal MAP task, so solvers working on the other three tasks should ignore this file.
  • Although the name of the files can be arbitrary, we will use a convention that extends the name of the MODEL files.
    • EVID files add .evid', QUERY files add .qeury, RESULT files add .PR/.MAR/.MPE/.MMAP’ depending on the task,


  • Each solver should assume that necessary files will be mounted under /code/problems folder inside the image. Please create /problems directory when you COPY your necessary files into image, and put all the codes under /code by COPY . /code
  • Please checkout a minimal example docker project

The file formats are described here: